Rabu, 04 November 2009


Oil is already a losing horse. It is a non-renewable and dwindling source of energy, and according to a study by Association For the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO-USA) we already reached peak oil - in 2005. Since we have already burned the majority of our oil resources from this point on oil only gets more expensive and difficult to find, process, and use. (Not to mention that continuing to burn whatever is left will spell climate catastrophe.) It is high time to recognize the losing nature of oil and move on - and many of us already have.

But the oil industry is having serious trouble coming to terms with its status as 'loser'. Many other losers can probably sympathize. First there is denial: the oil industry continues to ignore winning energy strategies (renewables!) and instead shows off its own unique brand of innovation by finding many new, ridiculously costly and massively destructive ways to flog its own (losing and) dead horse. A good example of this flogging? Tar sands oil.

Sumber : http://weblog.greenpeace.org/climate/2009/11/tar_sands_oil_biggest_loser.html




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